About Us

USHAKIRAN FINANCE LIMITED (UFL) originally known as USHAKIRAN FINANCE AND INDUSTRIES LIMITED was incorporated on 20th March, 1986. The name of the company has been changed to USHAKIRAN FINANCE LIMITED on 25th November, 1993.

USHAKIRAN FINANCE LIMITED is a Non-Banking Financial Company registered with RBI  and the company’s shares are Listed at BSE Limited and is primarily engaged in the business of Investments and Financing. UFL is managed by a team of Professionals.


Composition of the Board of Directors and Committees

Board of Directors

Board Committees

Audit Committee

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Audit Committee

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Audit Committee

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Stakeholders Relationship Committee